
Prashant M. 16 Jan, 2015


Melancholy, unhappiness, and sorrow will fly by in the face of tomorrow,

Gone will be the winter of gloom and despair, and the heavens will bring forth a breath of fresh air.

Go, my beloved, and I hope that you know, that the love that we had continues to grow,

Come hail or storm, I know it's guarded, by the warmth of our love and memories discarded,

Each little tendril and tiny leaf, reminds me of the promises and dreams we’ve woven.

This is the support on which I am living, and the hope to see you soon, is all I am giving.

I know that I was a burden to you, my love, So I am letting you go with all my love.

With one single hope in mind, that in your busy life, some moments you find

When you think back on all those days—a time of a different kind,

Let memories your mind fill and sorrow your heart overfill,

The clock, let in the past ply; the hours run and minutes fly,

And I hope you remember, my dear, a lonely soul that sheds tears.

I hope you remember me in memory’s flight.

A lonely soul on a lonely corner under a lonely streetlight

I wait for you, my dear; I hope the darkness goes away and the storm clears.

I watch the road that you lead; the candle of my life this waiting feeds

With all my hopes pinned on tomorrow, I relive my past in today.

And I pray to God that they come together in all their parts.

I don’t know what tomorrow holds or how the future will unfold.

But still, I hope for some better days, and those that have parted ways,

We will meet once again on a sunny day.

You should return, you will, and you must; ‘Cause the Lord above, with all I trust.

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