Lessons from Sweden

Prashant M. 01 Nov, 2023

Lessons from Sweden

I have lived in Sweden enough to appreciate it, and I have known a Swede for such a long time that he is practically my brother. It could be my bias, but I believe Sweden stands out amongst the Scandinavian countries. Not just because of history and traditions, but also because of its people, who, in my opinion, are hardworking, considerate, and most importantly, live within their means, optimizing everything—a lesson that the world should learn. So, behind that often thought-to-be, reticent persona lie warm people who will not only open their houses but their hearts too.

But each country has an Achilles heel. Sweden's Achilles heel lies in its misguided notions of extreme liberalism. JFK quoted Dante’s Inferno as saying that “the hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in times of moral crisis, preserve their neutrality.” Sweden's current situation serves as a prime example. And the reason it is saddening is that it is not even “true” neutrality or moral superiority. Instead, it is a weird concoction of liberalism, wokeism, non-participation in the world order (yet remaining silently aligned), and a deep-seated urge to pontificate due to an underlying belief in being better. This panopticon guides its policies and welfarism and attracts all kinds of people (asylum seekers, refugees, on-the-run champions of liberalism, free-speech enthusiasts, etc.) to it. And to its credit, the country has accepted all without prejudice. But now it is so drunk on this heavy cocktail that while sitting on the top rungs of the Human Development Index, it is slowly turning into an organization of religious unrest and social imbalance.

The irony is that this has nothing to do with the native Swede, who is still working hard to put food on the table but is beguiled into some greater narrative. The powers that be and their agents deliberate while the nation erupts in riots. Greta Thunberg, who had the opportunity to tweet about the false-flag farmer agitation in India, has remained silent. Sweden's Independent Research Institute misperceived an “Ant-Islamic” slant in India, and so in its Democracy Report of 2021, it publicly derided and castigated India (the largest, most vibrant, and most diverse democracy on the planet) as an “Electoral Autocracy,” shaming the Indian voters and questioning their intelligence. That same institute is surprisingly silent today. Perhaps it is still trying to make sense of the stone-pelting and warm glow of the burning streets of Linköping (pronounced "Lin-kshor-ping").

The Swedes I knew were a socially responsible and law-abiding lot. That same law-abiding country is up in flames, and no one has said a damn word. I am not holier than thou. I am not that knowledgeable or worldly-minded. I may have biased opinions and be influenced by my emotions. I do know that all countries have issues, and no place is picture-perfect. However, I also understand that good intentions can lead to disaster.

Thousands of years ago, some wise guy noted in the Holy Veda that Ati sarvatra varjayet: Excess of anything is bad, even if it is good. Dante came much after the Vedas and versed his famous work, and then JFK, who arrived recently, quoted Dante's work, but all three instinctively hit upon the same central idea, which I think the world and more, so my dear Sweden should take note. I wish you well, my friends. I pray that you persevere through these difficult times and step out of the false simulacrum.

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